Follow this Start-of-Exam Routine to Ward Off Test Anxiety

Dear 1L,

Create an exam ritual to stamp out nerves on test day.

Here’s what worked for me.

Quickly, but methodically, I skimmed the entire exam to assess:

a) how much each question (Q) counted; and

b) the relative difficulty of each Q for me, subjectively, based on its topic and the nature of my prep.

👉 This approach guaranteed that:

(1) I could plan appropriate time for each Q based on the percentage it counted;

(2) I had something rote and mindless to do at the start of the exam, so I wouldn’t panic and freeze; and

(3) I could start on the easiest-for-me Q and get going with some confidence before trying to approach the thornier questions.

🔹 You, too, should find that you’ll gain confidence for harder Qs after working through an easier one.

Sometimes your memory of material for the harder questions can start flooding back when you’re calm and you get in the writing groove.

🗳️ What’s your exam ritual?

💌 Amanda


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