For 20 years in BigLaw, I worked on every vacation I ever took. During some trips, when a brief was cooking, that work became a nearly all-day, every-day sort of thing.

Since I stopped practicing several years ago, however, I’ve been making it a priority to be present—to be “all in,” in the moment, not just going through the motions while thinking about other things.

Last week I was away for 10 days. I shared the time with Matt and two of our girls. We went to a paradise.

The sun shone every day. That made it hard to look at screens. So I really was away.

I didn’t read or write much either.
I talked.
I listened.
I thought—about the moment.

It reminded me of when our three girls were little.
Times when everyone could do everything together.
When you could always be with someone, or alone, but never lonely.

I missed out on so much, during so many of those trips during my law-firm years. I regret.

But this time, on this trip, for 10 whole days, I was present.
Truly present.

And it was magic.

I hope you can make some magic in your world, too.

I leave you with this sunrise from Sunday. I hope it brings you joy, hope, light. It is VERY gray, cold, and sun-less here, upon return.

💌 Amanda


P.S. I’m going to be spending some extra time in the feed this week, reading and commenting on posts, to try to reconnect with my community.

—I need to work through some post-paradise fog for a bit before sharing more with #DearLegalWriter and #Dear1L.

👉 If you drop a link to one of your posts I missed (or miss this week),I promise to read and engage.

👉 If you comment stating who you are & what you do, you might find some new connections here, too.

I miss my LI community & want to give back.


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