Dear 1L, How to Turn Around Spring Grades

Dear 1L, I wish I had a magic potion. You all could take it and convert Bs, Cs & Ds into As this spring. But alas, I have only my words. So please listen:

If you want your spring grades to differ from those of the fall, YOU must do something different. It’s not enough to study “longer” or “harder” this semester. You need to study “smarter.”

If you’re doubting that a change in habits or study tacts is needed, consider these words from Einstein:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

{Aside: I question whether “insanity” is really apt. It seems more like common human nature to keep plugging away at something until we “get” it. But his premise is still valid—especially when time is so short.}

Here are some recommendations for change:

🔹 Read immediately before class, preferably in the time block right before class, as often as your class schedule permits.

🔹 Stop reading word-for-word before class. Skim for the skeleton only.

🔹 Perform tasks requiring brain cells as early in the day as possible.

-Use the time before your first morning class. It is precious.

-Use the time between classes. It is precious, too.

🔹 Sleep 8 hours every day—preferably during the same time periods each day.

🔹 Include a daily time block for restorative activities. (Exercise works wonders.)

🔹 Take off 24 consecutive hours each weekend (unless your brief is due).

To be sure, adopting the above means you will NOT be 100% prepared for class.

That’s ok.

Being prepared for class => Nothing.

Being prepared for exams => Everything.

🗳️ Have you adopted positive habits or study techniques that have helped you? And lawyers, please share any ideas for helping to turn law-school grades around!

💌 Amanda

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