Dear 1L: How to Personalize Your LinkedIn Address for Your Resume

Dear 1L, You should include your LinkedIn address (your .url) with your email and phone number at the top of your resume.

➖ Did you know you can also customize your LinkedIn address to remove all the extraneous numbers & letters that come with your default .url?

➖ And you can style your name to look however you want?

Here’s how:

🔷 BROWSER (Easiest):

> Click on your picture and go to your profile.

>In the upper right corner, see “Edit your custom URL.”

>Click the stylus and edit.


🔷 IPAD (App)

Go to your PUBLIC profile.

1. In the top section of your regular profile page, the buttons “Open To,” “Add Section,” and “…” appear. Click on the three dots. This will open a list of three options. The third is “Contact info.” Click on that.

2. A menu will appear with your personal info. Go to the top item, “Profile,” under which appears your .url.

3. Click on the stylus pencil in the upper right corner of the Contact menu box (or click on the .url). That will take you to your public profile. In the upper right corner, you can edit and personalize your LinkedIn address.

💌 Amanda

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