The 1LS Who Do Best Have 3 Non-negotiables

Dear 1L,

You will do better this year if you decide how the important parts of each day go in advance.

Most 1Ls choose to play things by ear.
They let external factors dictate their days.

It starts with what time they wake up.
— 6, 8 or 10.
They let the time of their first class decide.

And, on any given day, will they get enough nutrients or exercise?
For most, each day is a crapshoot.

Doing that is a surefire path to mediocrity. You’ll end up in the bottom half.

Listen, law school’s likely the biggest thing you’ve ever done in life, at least in terms of being an adult, investing in becoming able to better support yourself.

So treat it like the huge investment that it is.
—> Show up each day at your very best.

The first year of law school is also a competition. I’ll probably get in trouble for saying that, but when you think of it, it’s true.

They take the best and brightest and then pit them against each other on a curve. At some law schools, the curve is really brutal. At many, too, if you fall below a certain GPA, they can take away scholarship money. It’s really cruel at some schools, as if they know in advance there’ll be people failing out.

You wouldn’t show up to the greatest, competitive performance of your life at anything but your very best, would you?


This is your big shot.

The most successful 1Ls:

❌ Don’t let meals get left to the whims of the dining hall staff that morning.

❌ Don’t let exercise get directed by what roommates are watching on tv that afternoon.

❌ And don’t let sleep be dictated by the amount of reading the professor assigns that night.

You need to be renewing and replenishing your energy source every day.

Take control of your own fate this year. Map your sleep, meals, and exercise in advance, and stick to your plan. Make them non-negotiables.

You can read more about the 3-point, high-energy plan that helped get me into the top 10% here:

You’ve got it in you. Each one of you does, I know it.


Treat each day of law school like the biggest performance of your life.

Show up each day on your own terms.

👉 Don’t let law school happen TO you.
Instead, make law school happen FOR you.

There’s great power in controlling your own story.

You will make great things happen this year, if you do.


💌 Amanda


P.S. Starting this fall, I’ll be sharing new Dear 1L letters by email exclusively. If you’d like to receive, join the 180 1Ls who have already signed up here:

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